DALLAS– AMN Healthcare has been honored by the Women’s Forum of New York as a national leader in female corporate board representation, achieving over 50% of Board of Directors’ seats held by women, among the highest level of publicly traded companies.
“We are grateful to the Women’s Forum for keeping the spotlight on this vitally important issue that brings much-needed change to the business world and our society as a whole,” said Susan Salka, President and CEO of AMN Healthcare. “Progress in gender parity on corporate boards is essential in creating a more just society and contributes to higher performance at organizations who achieve this goal. The entire team at AMN Healthcare is dedicated to improving diversity, equity, equality, and inclusion, and gender parity on corporate boards is an important part of our mission.”
AMN Healthcare was honored at the Women’s Forum of New York sixth biennial Breakfast of Corporate Champions event along with 242 other companies that have achieved at least 35% female representation on their board of directors. All corporate champion-honored companies from 2011 to 2021 have exceeded the national average of board seats held by women.
AMN Healthcare was one of only 44 companies honored at the Breakfast of Corporate Champions for having over 50% female representation on its Board of Directors. According to the Equilar Gender Diversity Index, only 3% of companies in the Russell 3000 achieved gender parity on their corporate boards in Q2 2021. AMN Healthcare has 63% female representation on its board.
“We salute AMN Healthcare for its impressive success in achieving greater gender balance in their corporate boardroom,” said Breakfast of Corporate Champions Founder and Chair Janice Reals Ellig, CEO, The Ellig Group. “As part of the Women’s Forum of New York’s ongoing Corporate Board Initiative, we’re proud to honor AMN Healthcare as an important member of the 2021 class of Corporate Champions who are determined to lead the way.”
The Women’s Forum Corporate Board Initiative reflects the organization’s belief that change happens more quickly when it’s driven from the top. The initiative focuses on company leadership, including CEOs, Directors, and Nominating and Governing Chairs, working to advance the appointment of women with the overarching goal to achieve gender parity on corporate boards.