‘Move With MilliporeSigma’ Hosts Recruiting Event at Leominster Doubletree Hilton on February 22 for all Manufacturing Positions


Leominster, MA– Recruiters from MilliporeSigma, the U.S. and Canada Life Science business of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany will be on hand at the Leominster DoubleTree Hilton 99 Erdman Way, Leominster, MA on Tuesday, February 22 from 9:00 am -1:00 pm and from 3:00 pm-7:00 pm to provide information on the “Move With MilliporeSigma” program, the company’s popular recruiting program, that offers career opportunities at its manufacturing facilities located in Jaffrey, New Hampshire and Danvers, Massachusetts. Interviews for qualified applicants will also be conducted. Participants are encouraged to register in advance. For more information about career opportunities and benefit packages, go to: www.milliporesigmajaffrey.com and www.milliporesigmadanvers.com

Relocating and joining MilliporeSigma includes three months of temporary housing, complete household move, $10,000 to settle into a new city, comprehensive training, competitive pay including bonuses, and great benefits. Other benefits include tuition reimbursement, paid volunteer time, and generous parental leave. Since the program started last year, more than 140 people have taken advantage to start new jobs in a new community.

At the hiring event, attendees will have the opportunity to meet directly with hiring managers to discuss the programs and positions available. Current opportunities include positions in manufacturing, packaging, distribution, production, and quality.

Our Jaffrey site employs approximately 1,338 people, and recently added 25,000 square feet to the existing 260,000 square-foot facility to support the manufacturing demand for filtration devices and membrane products, specifically Durapore® Membrane Filter, Express® SHF Cartridge Filters and the Viresolve® Pro Virus Filtration Solution lines for Covid vaccines.

Our Danvers site employees approximately 800 people. Expansion in 2021 added 65,000 square feet of space to the existing 120,000 square foot facility, and 400 jobs last year. The expansion added to the capacity needed to support the manufacturing of products across several portfolios, including MilliporeSigma’s Mobius® Single-Use Manufacturing used in bioreactors that produce the Covid vaccine. (IANS)