my mhealth Appoints Biotech Veteran and Digital Therapeutics Pioneer, Joel Sangerman, as Chief Commercial Officer

Joel Sangerman

LONDON– my mhealth, a global leader in delivering clinically proven digital health programs, announced today the appointment of biotech industry veteran and digital therapeutic pioneer, Joel Sangerman, as Chief Commercial Officer to expand its rapidly growing user base in the United States. Previously Mr. Sangerman served as Chief Commercial Officer for Click Therapeutics, VP of Market Development for Walgreens, & Director of Reimbursement for Johnson & Johnson.

Eight million Americans suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) per year do not get guideline mandated pulmonary rehabilitation because face to face programs are not widely available. In the UK, my mhealth developed the myCOPD app to deliver pulmonary rehabilitation sessions which have been proven in clinical trials to be as effective as conventional face-face programs. myCOPD has been prescribed by doctors to 30,000 patients who have engaged in over 275,000 rehab sessions, showing improved outcomes with significantly reduced costs. The economic burden of COPD in the US alone approaches $50 Billion creating a massive opportunity for improved patient care.

CEO Simon Bourne commented, “Joel was adamant that we ensure our health economic evidence was crystal clear before agreeing to lead our financing and commercial efforts in the US. That time is now as the US market is embracing the fact that digital therapeutics, because of their behavioral focus, makes every other intervention work better. We are ecstatic about tapping Joel’s vast experience in US reimbursement and commercial affairs to accelerate the US adoption of my mhealth’s digital therapeutics.”

Sangerman stated, “If the myCOPD digital therapeutic was an FDA approved drug, it would be an absolute blockbuster. I’m excited to lead the US launch and replicate with our CMS and private insurers what the UK’s National Health Service has achieved using myCOPD to improve outcomes and scale COPD interventions at a population level.”

The executive leadership announcement follows my mhealth’s strategic initiatives with NHS England, Astra Zeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Vitality and a variety of other key medical opinion leaders. (IANS)