Covid Clinic Celebrates Three Months of Helping People Safely Attend Events at the Forum


LOS ANGELES & HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif.– Covid Clinic, a nationwide network of COVID-19 testing sites operated by dedicated, caring individuals and healthcare workers, is celebrating three months as the Official COVID Testing Partner of the Forum in Inglewood, California, helping people safely attend in-person events once again. Covid Clinic continues to provide onsite COVID testing services at the Forum throughout 2022 and has administered over 2,400 tests for nearly 40 events at the Forum, to date.

“We’re thrilled to team with the Forum to provide COVID testing services for this iconic venue as we return to in-person events and gathering with our friends and loved ones,” said Dr. Matthew Abinante, CEO of Covid Clinic. “We remain committed to public health and safety, especially in southern California, where Covid Clinic first started. We’re thankful to be providing these services at large indoor events, as we plan for our future, it is more important than ever to be able to gather safely and we’re honored to have been chosen by the Forum to help them and event attendees do so.”

Covid Clinic provides its full suite of tests at the Wellness Cottage at the Forum, seven days per week from approximately 7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. and employs an additional testing van during live events. Covid Clinic begins event testing three hours before the doors open to provide rapid tests for a two-hour period for those attendees who need them.

Additionally, Covid Clinic offers a robust suite of COVID-19 tests including Rapid Antibody, Rapid Antigen, Rapid COVID 19 + Flu Antigen Combo, and COVID-19 Molecular NAAT. In addition, Covid Clinic offers collection services for Rapid PCR, Expedited PCR, and Respiratory Pathogen Panel, which are sent to CLIA certified third party laboratories for processing. The rapid COVID tests offered by Covid Clinic all have an Emergency Use Authorization issued by the FDA.