Soundport, the New Domicile of Ferring Pharmaceuticals A/S is Inaugurated

Ferring Soundport Building - outside photo (Photo: Business Wire)

COPENHAGEN, Denmark– Soundport has officially been inaugurated. Soundport is Ferring Pharmaceuticals A/S new domicile and is the company’s biggest site for biopharmaceutical research & development.

The property, at Kastrup old harbour a short walk from Copenhagen Airport, was acquired in 2013 and the building took two years to design. Architects are Foster + Partners assisted by local partner architects Mikkelsen Arkitekter A/S. Jacobs Engineering were the main technical and engineering advisors until 2019, when Novo Nordisk Engineering took over the execution of the plans. In 2022, our employees finally started to move into Soundport and it is now a building buzzing with creative activity.

Ferring Soundport Building – inside photo (Photo: Business Wire)

The ethos for Soundport is openness and transparency with the main view towards Sweden through the east-facing 630 m² glazed atrium façade. The arrangement of the spaces internally allows employees to easily interact and closely collaborate as well as offering different spaces to work individually or collectively, socialise, take a break, and eat. The building sits on a solid plinth raised above sea level to prevent possible flooding. On the plinth the domicile is resting with glazed windows, with a view towards water on all three sides. The dome and the roof inside the house finish the building in a spectacular way. The architecture and material choices are inspired by maritime and Nordic influences. The total area is 37,000 m² with 24,000 m² office and lab floor space. The topmost part of the building is 48m above sea level. Soundport has been awarded a LEED Gold rated certificate for the building’s high sustainability credentials and low energy consumption.

“Soundport is the largest R&D center in Ferring’s global network. It plays a crucial role in the discovery and development of new medicines across our therapeutic areas and will enable us to explore and address new frontiers in medical science for patients”, says Frederik Paulsen, Chairman Emeritus, Ferring Pharmaceuticals A/S.

The building is projected for up to 750 employees and there are already 640 employees working at the site. “We are expanding the number of employees and we hope that this new, fantastic site can help attract new talent”, says Marianne Kock, General Manager, Ferring Pharmaceuticals A/S.