Allurion Announces Appointment of Moderna Co-Founder and MIT Institute Professor Robert S. Langer as Chair of its Scientific Advisory Board

Professor Robert S. Langer

NATICK, Mass.– Allurion, a company dedicated to ending obesity, announced today it has appointed Professor Robert S. Langer, Sc.D., as Chairman of its Scientific Advisory Board.

“It is an honor to welcome Professor Langer to Allurion,” said Dr. Shantanu Gaur, founder and CEO of Allurion. “The innovative features of the Allurion Balloon have already led to improved outcomes for over 100,000 consumers, and we intend for our program to become a platform technology in the future. Bob’s expertise in materials science and chemical engineering will be a transformational addition in validating many of the cutting-edge features of the Allurion Balloon and expanding the pipeline of future applications.”

Langer is the co-founder of Moderna Therapeutics and one of 12 Institute Professors at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He is the most cited engineer in history, having written over 1,500 scholarly articles on a wide range of topics in materials science and chemical engineering. He has served as the Chair of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Science Board, and has received over 220 awards, including the United States National Medals of both Science and Technology, and Innovation. In total, Langer has been an advisor to over 300 companies over a 50-year period.

“I have known Bob for over a decade through MIT and have always admired his multidisciplinary approach to problem-solving. It is wonderful to collaborate at Allurion as we scale the business and its impact,” said Krishna K. Gupta, CEO of Remus Capital.

“Excess weight impacts over 2 billion people worldwide,” said Langer. “Allurion has clearly demonstrated that its product is a game-changer for patients and has the potential to develop an exciting pipeline of products that address different applications. I am delighted to now lead Allurion’s Scientific Advisory Board while contributing to the company’s mission to end obesity.”