LevitasBio Launches LeviSelect Suite of Cell Depletion & Enrichment Kits

Five new LeviSelect Immune Cell Kits enable targeted enrichment of CD3 T Cells, CD4 T Cells, CD8 T Cells and Pan B Cells. Additional kits are also available under early access.

MENLO PARK, Calif.– LevitasBio, Inc., a premier end-to-end sample processing and cellular analysis provider to the life sciences market, unveils a suite of LeviSelect™ cell depletion and enrichment kits for immunology research.

LeviSelect Kits are a targeted expansion of the revolutionary LeviCell™ Advanced Workflow fully integrated protocol that delivers an important new approach to cellular isolation and analysis, offering:

  • Cells of interest are entirely label-free, unmodified or unperturbed with no gene expression or activation changes
  • Live-cell enrichment, debris removal, and targeted selection all occur in a single simple step with no additional purifications, filtrations or consumables required
  • Multiple LeviSelect kits can be multiplexed for a powerful and extremely targeted approach

For oncology or immuno-oncology research, LeviSelect CD45 Depletion Kits provide a highly effective method for the enrichment of pure tumor cells enabling characterization for drug discovery and biomarker identification.

LeviSelect Immune Kits support target selection of the immune subpopulations required for downstream cell analysis or further subsetting. Researchers can enrich hematopoietic populations quickly without lengthy workflows or potential cell activation.

  • CD3 Enrichment
  • CD4 Enrichment
  • CD8 Enrichment
  • Pan B Enrichment
  • Pan Monocyte Enrichment
  • NK Cell Enrichment
  • Neutrophil Enrichment

Now T Cells, B Cells, NK Cell and Monocytes can be enriched simultaneously with viable cell enrichment in an untouched and unbiased manner. Future LeviSelect kits will include subtypes from these major populations.

“With the immediate launch of seven LeviSelect Kits—and six more available via our Early Access program—LevitasBio is enabling the streamline enrichment of these cells for downstream cell-based assays or immune profiling studies,” stated Martin Pieprzyk, CEO of LevitasBio. “This is highly impactful to catalyze novel discoveries in both academic and biopharma discovery research.”