Ground-Breaking, Drug-Free, and Clinically Tested BackVive Patch Offers Long-Lasting Relief to Chronic Back Pain Sufferers

BackVive patch

SEATTLE– Chronic back pain frustrates tens of millions of Americans who have struggled to find relief for their unrelenting pain. Treatments from healthcare providers include surgery, spinal steroid injections, physical therapy and chiropractic care, but are only effective in a minority of people. This leaves most of them having to suffer with ongoing and often life-long pain. Chronic back pain is responsible for a staggering 200-billion-dollars in costs each year in the U.S. It is the leading cause of disability, restricting daily activities, and associated with poor quality of life. At its worst, chronic back pain can be life threatening as desperate sufferers turn to addictive and deadly narcotics to relieve their unrelenting pain, sometimes contemplating suicide as a result of pain-related anxiety and depression.

A new drug-free and convenient non-prescription over-the-counter (OTC) option – BackVive – is now available for people to treat their chronic back pain. The product was co-developed by renowned MD and successful medical entrepreneur, Dr. Ron Berenson, who has introduced several innovative healthcare products, and an orthopedic surgeon. The device is a simple adhesive patch that incorporates an array of tiny micro-points that act to relieve pain. In a clinical study, BackVive demonstrated significant pain relief in more than 90% of all participants, with some patients experiencing almost complete resolution of their pain. Additionally, the pain relief lasted for a week in most of the cases with only a single application of BackVive. This compares to the few hours of pain relief that occurs with use of a broad range of other non-prescription products, including medicated patches, ointments, gels, hot/cold remedies, and over-the-counter pills.

Similar to acupuncture, BackVive contains elements that penetrate the skin to treat pain. For BackVive, this is achieved with tiny micro-points that only reach the top skin layer making it virtually painless. In contrast, acupuncture requires long needles that penetrate deep into tissues and are painful. BackVive’s patch design makes it convenient and easy to apply like other patches. This is in contrast to acupuncture which requires a trained practitioner.

Rather than using drugs or chemicals, BackVive relies only on mechanical pressure to relieve pain. The short length of BackVive’s micro-points proves ideal as they only reach the skin’s top layer where there are specialized receptors that block pain. Upon applying BackVive, the micro-points target and generate pressure in this area which activates the receptors, turning off pain signals from nerves and preventing them from reaching the brain.

Dr. Ron Berenson comments: “There is a great need to address the debilitating impact of chronic back pain with a safer and more convenient OTC option. As a physician and chronic back pain sufferer myself, I have found BackVive to be a reliable, effective, and convenient way to treat my pain at home.”

Numerous physicians have also reported on the effectiveness of BackVive. Laura Audell, MD, a leading California-based pain medicine specialist at a major medical center for more than 30 years, sings its praises: “I have been using BackVive along with a healthy lifestyle to effectively treat my chronic musculoskeletal pain.”