Saving Lives One Mammogram at a Time, VNA Launches its ‘Worth the Squeeze’ Initiative

Young woman standing over swimming pool showing slices of oranges.

CHICAGO– Having kicked off on Mother’s Day, each year National Women’s Health Week commences across the United States. The week marks a time of reflection, education, awareness, and encouragement for women to take a proactive stance regarding their health.

This year’s theme was ‘Forward Focus: Achieving Healthier Futures Together’, a theme that resonates strongly with the values, mission, and beliefs of VNA Health.

For VNA Health Care, preventative care is at the heart of what they do all year round. Following a successful National Women’s Health Week, VNA wants to continue to highlight the importance of mammograms and early detection.

As part of this effort, VNA Health is proud to announce its ‘Worth the Squeeze’ Initiative, aimed at helping women understand the importance of regular mammograms, breast health, and early detection.

The Pink Ribbon Epidemic Fought By Women Worldwide

Each year more than 2 million women are diagnosed with breast cancer worldwide, with nearly 8 million women living with a breast cancer diagnosis at any given time (World Health Organization, 2020).

Perhaps an even more sobering statistic, is the catastrophic death toll breast cancer is responsible for, taking the lives of over 685,000 women annually.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), this makes breast cancer one of the most pervasive cancers in the world, and a major health concern worthy of public attention, focus, and research.

The ‘Worth the Squeeze’ Campaign

More than a catchy slogan, VNA Health is committed to doing its part in the fight against this devastating cancer. Working on the front lines, VNA Health is in a unique position to make a real difference in the lives of its patients and the community at large.

This campaign is focused on education, awareness, and promotion of preventative and early detection measures that often mean the difference between life and death. Funding for this campaign has been provided in whole or in part by the Illinois Breast and Cervical Cancer Program.

Early Detection is Key

Clinical research has demonstrated time and again that early detection is a key factor in winning the battle against breast cancer. Early detection results in early intervention, and in many cases, additional available options to explore for treatment. When diagnosed early, the prognosis for survival is significantly higher, giving women a second chance at life.

The Primary Tools in the Fight Against Breast Cancer


Mammograms are an invaluable tool for early detection, utilizing cutting-edge technology in a safe and minimally invasive setting to identify the early signs of breast cancer.

Screening mammograms are a leading tool in detecting early warning signs of cancer before a patient notices any lumps or symptoms. Utilizing x-ray tomography, this diagnostic tool takes images of breast tissue that are capable of revealing everything from microcalcifications (a potential indication of cancer tissue), to hard-to-feel tumor formations.

Mammogram screenings also involve manual inspection by a doctor, looking for other potential warning signs, such as pain, tenderness, redness, swelling, discoloration, change in size or shape, and thickening of the skin.

Routine Checkups

Routine checkups with a primary care provider are a necessary component of overall health and wellness. Routine checkups offer a chance to ask questions, learn about potential health concerns, map out a preventative plan, and more.