Waters Redefines Laboratory Science with New ACQUITY PREMIER Liquid Chromatography Solution


MILFORD, Mass.– Waters Corporation (NYSE:WAT) today introduced the Waters™ ACQUITY™ PREMIER Solution, the next generation in liquid chromatographs featuring Waters’ breakthrough MaxPeak™ High Performance Surface (HPS) technology. The solution leverages HPS to vastly improve analytical data quality and eliminate the need for time-consuming and costly passivation.

ACQUITY PREMIER is a universal liquid chromatograph (LC) solution that combines the ACQUITY PREMIER System with ACQUITY PREMIER Columns with MaxPeak HPS technology. It is designed to alleviate the problem of analyte/metal surface interactions when analyzing organic acids, organophosphates, oligonucleotides, phosphopeptides, acidic glycans and phospholipids by reversed phase and hydrophilic interaction chromatography. For these analyses, the new ACQUITY PREMIER solution cuts the time from sample to results, improves analyte recovery and assay-to-assay reproducibility, to give separation scientists greater assurance in the integrity of their qualitative and quantitative analytical results.

“The ACQUITY PREMIER Solution represents our biggest innovation in separation science since UPLC,” said Ian King, Senior Vice President, Global Products, Waters Corporation. “Chromatography has an immeasurable impact on the development of novel therapeutics and treatments for innumerable diseases. The result of decades of separations science know-how along with the combined efforts of our materials scientists, chemists and engineers, ACQUITY PREMIER addresses a long-standing problem that has held back scientific progress long enough. We firmly believe it will redefine the value that separations science brings to scientific achievement.”