GemPharmatech Presents Humanized Mouse Models to Support Bispecific Antibody and COVID-19 Preclinic Development


WILMINGTON, Del.– GemPharmatech (GemPharmatech Co., Ltd. “GPT”) presented its humanized mouse models to support T-Cell Bispecific antibody and COVID-19 preclinic development and co-hosted a panel discussion on bispecific antibodies at Biologics UK Oxford Global Conference, London, UK, Sept. 6-8, 2021. The conference is the biggest in-person biologics event in London and was attended by hundreds of industrial and academic researchers and business partners from around the globe.

Biologics have emerged as novel and effective therapeutics against many types of diseases, especially in the field of immuno-oncology. As the potential applications of biologics continue to grow, so does the need for the proper animal models to use for preclinical studies. GemPharmatech is a leading global provider of animal models and services, especially in generating genetically engineered mouse models for preclinical research and development. Since 2017, GPT has created a collection of more than 17,000 animal models. GPT has established partnerships in the US to allow shorter shipping time and lower cost and enables GPT to provide animal models and related services faster and closer to its customers in the R&D communities, which include large pharmaceutical and Biotech companies, contract research organizations (CROs), universities, and research institutions throughout the US.

“Humanized mouse models provide very valuable tools for supporting pre-clinical studies,” said Dr. Moore, President and CEO of GemPharmatech LLC, a US subsidiary of GemPharmatech Co., Ltd. “In our presentation and panel discussion at the conference, we specifically outlined the applications of our humanized mouse models in supporting the development of bispecific antibodies and our ACE2 lines that are important systems for identifying antibodies, therapeutics and understanding the pathogenesis and treatment of COVID-19. In addition, we have produced a large collection of humanized mouse models including over 80 humanized immune checkpoint models, as well as the CD3e mouse models that can be used in a wide range of preclinical discovery and developmental studies,” continued Dr. Moore.