MassBio® State of Possible Conference Honored Governor Deval Patrick with its Innovative Leadership Award

Deval Patrick

CAMBRIDGE, MA– The Massachusetts Biotechnology Council (MassBio®) last week held its first in-person annual State of Possible Conference since 2019, bringing industry leaders from the private sector, government, and academia together for thoughtful conversations on the latest developments in the life sciences industry, key insights from the past year, and building a better future for patients around the world.

Joe Boncore, CEO of MassBio and Kendalle Burlin O’Connell, President & COO of MassBio awarded Governor Deval Patrick the Henri A. Termeer Innovative Leadership Award, noting that the Governor, “is a man whose influence and accomplishments exceed the award in every way.”

During a Fireside Chat, Joe Boncore and Governor Patrick discussed policy issues impacting the Commonwealth, beyond proposals that directly affect the life sciences.

“People see the interconnectedness of life, not necessarily policies in silos,” said Governor Patrick. “We need to think about policy this way — transportation, affordable housing, childcare — all of these things are about how you make it possible to sustain an economic engine.”

A conversation on the future amidst rapid expansion led by Kendalle Burlin O’Connell, alluded to an upcoming workforce report by sharing that 80% of MassBio member companies are poised to grow. The discussion highlighted the need for companies to create close partnerships with academia to ensure that industry needs are being met and that job opportunities are more accessible to applicants without a bachelor’s degree.

“We have a generational responsibility to make hard decisions now that will make a difference over time,” said Governor Patrick.

During the conference, the MassBioDrive Spring 2022 cohort participated in a Demo Day to present their companies for the first time to an audience of investors, prospective partners, and ecosystem leaders.

MassBio’s State of Possible conference attracted more than 500 participants.