AdvanCE, Powered by PTCE Offers COVID-19 Vaccination Program for Pharmacists and Technicians

Jim Palatin

CRANBURY, N.J.– PTCE is pleased to announce that it has officially launched a new ce brand, AdvanCE with the development of a COVID-19 webinar certificate curriculum. This on-demand accredited curriculum will equip pharmacists and technicians with CDC-recommended guidelines and vaccination provider training from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.

AdvanCE recently developed the 10-hour series through PTCE to provide necessary training to COVID-19 vaccination providers in an accessible and easily updated way. As new testing devices, therapies, and vaccines are approved for use; patients will increasingly rely on their health care providers for assistance and knowledge. With this additional education, providers can better assure that patient needs are met.

“During this unprecedented global immunization effort, pharmacists and pharmacy technicians need access to all the latest information and updates for the COVID-19 vaccine as it happens. With the growth we’ve seen of diagnosed cases of COVID-19 and thousands of deaths attributed to the pandemic, we decided now was the best time to bring to market our AdvanCE brand as a future leader for the pay-for-ce pharmacy industry,” said Jim Palatine, R.Ph., MBA, president of PTCE. “Through this curriculum, pharmacy learners will be better equipped with real-world knowledge and more confidence to navigate their patients’ needs and optimize care.”

The certificate program offers an education on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s COVID-19 Vaccination Program Interim Playbook. It will highlight current prevention strategies, testing options, treatment agents, and use of approved and emerging vaccines. Its comprehensive curriculum also will prepare pharmacy providers to immediately improve patient care by addressing and tackling patient barriers and debunking myths associated with the virus and available vaccines.

Split into 10 hours, labeled “modules,” the program covers a variety of topics, including the evolution of COVID-19, effective testing and screening, safety and efficacy of the vaccines, vaccine storage and administration, among others.

The first five of 10 modules are available for viewing, and the final five will follow, in February 2021. Users will receive a certificate of proof upon completion of all 10 curriculum modules. However, as COVID-19 information rapidly evolves, pharmacy providers also can subscribe for ongoing updates and access to additional modules to further navigate advancements as they are made.